вторник, 30 марта 2010 г.

Apache Lucene 2.9.2 and 3.0.1 Released

Here’s the announcement:
Hello Lucene users,
On behalf of the Lucene development community I would like to announce the release of Lucene Java versions 3.0.1 and 2.9.2:
Both releases fix bugs in the previous versions:
- 2.9.2 is a bugfix release for the Lucene Java 2.x series, based on Java 1.4
- 3.0.1 has the same bug fix level but is for the Lucene Java 3.x series, based on Java 5.
New users of Lucene are advised to use version 3.0.1 for new developments, because it has a clean, type-safe API.
Important improvements in these releases include:
- An increased maximum number of unique terms in each index segment.
- Fixed experimental CustomScoreQuery to respect per-segment search. This introduced an API change!
- Important fixes to IndexWriter: a commit() thread-safety issue, lost document deletes in near real-time indexing.
- Bugfixes for Contrib’s Analyzers package.
- Restoration of some public methods that were lost during deprecation removal.
- The new Attribute-based TokenStream API now works correctly with different class loaders.
Both releases are fully compatible with the corresponding previous versions. We strongly recommend upgrading to 2.9.2 if you are using 2.9.1 or 2.9.0; and to 3.0.1 if you are using 3.0.0.

Lucene and Solr Development Have Merged

The Lucene community has recently decided to merge the development of two of its sub-projects – Lucene->Java and Lucene->Solr. Both code bases now sit under the same trunk in svn and Solr actually runs straight off the latest Lucene code at all times. This is just a merge of development though. Release artifacts will remain separate: Lucene will remain a core search engine Java library and Solr will remain a search server built on top of Lucene. From a user perspective, things will be much the same as they were – just better.
So what is with the merge?

Because of the way things worked in the past, even with many overlapping committers, many features that could benefit Lucene have been placed in Solr. They arguably “belonged” in Lucene, but due to dev issues, it benefited Solr to keep certain features that were contributed by Solr devs under Solr’s control. Moving some of this code to Lucene would mean that some Solr committers would no longer have access to it – A Solr committer that wrote and committed the code might actually lose the ability to maintain it without the assistance of a Lucene committer – and if Solr wanted to be sure to run off a stable, released version of Lucene, Solr’s release could be tied to Lucene’s latest release when some of this code needed to be updated. With Solr planning to update Lucene libs less frequently (due to the complexities of releasing with a development version of Lucene), there would be long waits for bug fixes to be available in Solr trunk.
All and all, there would be both pluses and minuses to refactoring Solr code into Lucene without the merge, but the majority have felt the minuses outweighed the pluses. Attempts at doing this type of thing in the past have failed and resulted in diverging similar code in both code bases. With many committers overlapping both projects, this was a very odd situation. Fix a bug in one place, and then go and look for the same bug in similar, but different code in another place – perhaps only being able to commit in one of the two spots.

With merged dev, there is now a single set of committers across both projects. Everyone in both communities can now drive releases – so when Solr releases, Lucene will also release – easing concerns about releasing Solr on a development version of Lucene. So now, Solr will always be on the latest trunk version of Lucene and code can be easily shared between projects – Lucene will likely benefit from Analyzers and QueryParsers that were only available to Solr users in the past. Lucene will also benefit from greater test coverage, as now you can make a single change in Lucene and run tests for both projects – getting immediate feedback on the change by testing an application that extensively uses the Lucene libraries. Both projects will also gain from a wider development community, as this change will foster more cross pollination between Lucene and Solr devs (now just Lucene/Solr devs).

All and all, I think this merge is going to be a big boon for both projects. A tremendous amount of work has already been done to get Solr working with the latest Lucene API’s and allow for a seamless development experience with Lucene/Solr as a single code base (the Lucene/Solr tests are ridiculously faster than they were as well!). Look for some really fantastic releases from Lucene/Solr in the future.

Google App Engine: What Is It Good For?

As a developer, I'm enthusiastic about cloud computing platforms because they let me spend more time writing web applications and services and less time dealing with scalability and deployment issues. In particular, Google App Engine offers automatic scaling and potential cost savings if you design the applications to run on it with the proper discipline.
In this article, I provide an overview of the Google Apps Engine platform for developers. Along the way, I offer some tips for writing scalable and efficient Google App Engine applications.

Google App Engine Overview

I use Google App Engine for several of my own projects but I have not yet used it on any customer projects. Google engineers use Google App Engine to develop and deploy both internal and public web applications. As you will see, designing applications to run on Google App Engine takes some discipline.

The Datastore and App Efficiency and Scalability

The non-relational datastore for Google App Engine is based on Google's Bigtable system for storing and retrieving structured data. Bigtable can store petabyte-sized data collections, and Google uses Bigtable internally for web indexing and as data storage for user facing applications like Google Docs, Google Finance, etc. Bigtable is built on top of the distributed Google File System (GFS). As a developer using Google App Engine, you can also create very large datastores.
The datastore uses a structured data model, and the unit of storage for this model is called an entity. The datastore is hierarchical, which provides a way to cluster data or to manage "contains" type relationships. The way this works is fairly simple: each entity has a (primary) key and an entity group. For a top-level entity, the entity group will simply be the (primary) key. For example, if I have a kind of entity (think of this as being a type or a class) called a Magazine, I might have an entity representing an issue of this magazine identified with a key value of /Magazine:programingillustrated0101 and the entity group value would be the same as the key. I might have another entity that is an article of kind Article that might have an entity group of /Magazine:programingillustrated0101 and a key of /Magazine:programingillustrated0101/Article:10234518. Thus, you know that this article belongs to this issue of the magazine.
Entity groups also define those entities that can be updated atomically in a transaction. There is no schema for entities; you might have two entities of kind Article that have different properties. As an example, a second article might have an additional property relatedarticle that the first article does not have. The datastore also naturally supports multiple values of any property.
The primary technique for making your Google App Engine applications efficient and scalable is to rely on the datastore—rather than your application code—to sort and filter data. The next most important technique is effectively caching data for HTTP requests, which can be reused until the data becomes "stale."

понедельник, 29 марта 2010 г.

The Java 7 Features Bound to Make Developers More Productive

If you've tracked each major Java release, you probably were eager to see what new packages were in each one and how you could employ them in your Java projects. Along the same lines, the next major Java SE release, Java 7, promises several new features across all packages, such as modularization, multi-language support, developer productivity tools, and performance improvement. I think programmers eventually will begin specializing in individual Java packages (i.e., java.util programmers, java.io programmers, java.lang programmers, etc.), but until then, let's explore a few of the notable new developer productivity features slated for Java 7.

New Objects Class

The new Objects class of the java.util package provides a fail-proof way for comparing two objects at runtime:
  1. The equals() method of the Objects class does a reference comparison.
  2. The deepEquals() method piggybacks on the first argument's equals() method definition.
Similarly, when both the arguments are object arrays, Array.deepEquals() is invoked on the objects. The new Objects class provides all the required static utility methods.

New Classes to Operate on File System

Java SE 7 provides classes that greatly simplify the age old integration processes of one application dropping files at a predefined shared location and other application picking them up. Java 7 provides a new class WatchService that notifies any events that take place in the file system under the watch.
The following steps create an asynchronous file-watcher service:
  1. Obtain the path from the File class.
    Path fPath = new File(filePath).toPath();

  2. Obtain a handle to the Watch service from the file system.
    dirWatcher = fPath.getFileSystem().newWatchService();

  3. Register which type of events you are interested in.
    StandardWatchEventKind.ENTRY_DELETE, StandardWatchEventKind.ENTRY_MODIFY);

  4. Wait for the event to happen.
    WatchKey key = dirWatcher.take();
    }catch(InterruptedException ie){

    The WatchKey class now has all the details of the event that occurred in the directory.

  5. Loop through Step 4 to continue receiving events.

New Classes for Concurrency Package

The Java SE team added a wide variety of new classes to Java 7 to cater to various concurrency functionalities. Most notable among them are the RecursiveAction and RecursiveTask classes, which simplify new algorithm development. Understanding the difference between heavyweight and lightweight processes will help you grasp the value of these new classes.
  • A heavyweight process gets a replica of the code, stack, and data from the parent process. You create a heavyweight process by invoking fork().
  • A lightweight process gets its own stack and shares resources and data with other threads or the parent thread. The Unix Thread API standard (POSIX) provides methods to create a thread.
Java 7 defines a new abstract class called ForkJoinTask, a lightweight process that generates a distinct stream of control flow from within a process. RecursiveAction and RecursiveTask are abstract subclasses of ForkJoinTask.
To code a recursive call, you must subclass either one of these classes and define the compute() method. The getRawResult() method returns null for RecursiveAction and returns a value for RecursiveTask. The Java 7 documentation provides a simple example for each of these classes.

Code Development Made Too Easy?

For me, the joy of being a computer scientist is spending long hours writing code for various algorithms. The problem solving keeps my mind alert, and the computations keep going in my head even in sleep. All the utilities in Java 7 take much of that joy of programming away, but they contribute to the bottom line for the companies supporting Java projects, which is what really matters for Java

PDF and Java

I discovered a Java library for PDF from Etymon Consulting. Although it does not cover the full specification, it does provide a convenient approach for reading, changing and writing PDF files from within Java programs. As with any Java library, the API is organized into packages. The main package is
. Here, you'll find an object representation of all PDF core objects, which are arrays, boolean, dictionary, name, null, number, reference, stream, and string. Where the Java language provides an equivalent object, it is used but with a wrapper around it for consistency purposes. So, for example, the string object is represented by PjString.

When you read a PDF file, the Java equivalents of the PDF objects are created. You can then manipulate the objects using their methods and write the result back to the PDF file. You do need knowledge of PDF language to effectively do some of the manipulations. The following lines, for example, create a Font object:
PjFontType1 font = new PjFontType1(); 
font.setBaseFont(new PjName("Helvetica-Bold")); 
font.setEncoding(new PjName("PDFDocEncoding")); 
int fontId = pdf.registerObject(font);

is the object pointer to a PDF file.

One thing, I wanted to do was to change parts of the text in the PDF file to create "customized" PDF. While I have access to the PjStream object, the bytearray containing the text is compressed and the current library does not support decompression of LZW. It does support decompression of Flate algorithm.
Despite some limitations, you can still do many useful things. If you need to append a number of PDF documents programmatically, you can create a page and then append the page to the existing PDF documents, all from Java. The API also provide you with information about the document like number of pages, author, keyword, and title. This would allow for a Java servlet to dynamically create a page containing the document information with a link to the actual PDF files. As new PDF files are added and old ones deleted, the servlet would update the page to reflect the latest collection.
Listing 1 shows a simple program that uses the pj library to extract information from a PDF file and print that information to the console.
Listing 1.
import com.etymon.pj.*;
import com.etymon.pj.object.*;

public class GetPDFInfo {
  public static void main (String args[]) {
   try {
           Pdf pdf = new Pdf(args[0]);
            System.out.println("# of pages is " + pdf.getPageCount());
       int y = pdf.getMaxObjectNumber();
       for (int x=1; x <= y; x++) {
     PjObject obj = pdf.getObject(x);
         if (obj instanceof PjInfo) {
        System.out.println("Author: " + ((PjInfo)
        System.out.println("Creator: " + ((PjInfo)
        System.out.println("Subject: " + ((PjInfo)
        System.out.println("Keywords: " + ((PjInfo)

   catch (java.io.IOException ex) {
   catch (com.etymon.pj.exception.PjException  ex) {

Before you compile the above program, you need to download the pj library, which includes the pj.jar file. Make sure your CLASSPATH includes the pj.jar file.
The program reads the PDF file specified at the command-line and parses it using the following line:

Pdf pdf = new Pdf(args[0]);
It then goes through all the objects that were created as a result of parsing the PDF file and searches for a
object. That object encapsulates information such as the author, subject, and keywords, which are extracted using the appropriate methods. You can also "set" those values, which saves them permanently in the PDF file.
There are a number of sample programs that ship with the pj library, along with the standard javadoc-style documentation. The library is distributed under GNU General Public License.


Despite additions and advancements of HTML, PDF continues to be the most popular mean for sharing rich documents. As a programming language, Java needs to be able to interact with data. The pj library shown here, is a preview of how PDF objects can be modeled in Java and then use Java's familiar constructs to manipulate the seemingly complex PDF documents. With this type of interaction, applications that need to serve rich documents can actually "personalize" the content before sending out the document. This scenario can be applied, for example, to many legal forms where a hand signature is still required and the form is too complex to be drawn entirely in HTML. Java and PDF provide a nice solution for these types of applications.

Selenium: Automated Integration Testing for Java Web Apps

The value of unit tests is well established and all applications ideally complete a suite of unit tests. However, in the real world, not all applications possess these ideal qualities. In reality, developers have to work with applications that are not well designed/developed and that may not have had any unit testing. This makes modifying/enhancing these applications riskier.
In such circumstances, running automated integration tests might be quicker and just as effective. The integration tests will allow you to modify/enhance the application with confidence. Integration tests also test the application as a whole, which unit tests do not. Unit tests execute only a part of the application in isolation. While integration tests can detect issues in any of the application's components, unit tests detect issues only within a particular component.

Automated integration tests can be useful particularly for legacy applications, CRUD applications and applications that have business logic tightly coupled to the environment in which they run. The Selenium web application testing system is a powerful tool for implementing automated integration testing for Java-based web applications. In his Web Developer's Virtual Library (WDVL) article, "Selenium: Automated Integration Testing for Java Web Apps," Avneet Mangat explains automated integration testing with Selenium. You will learn how to develop integration tests using the Selenium IDE, how to export the integration tests as JUnit tests, and then how to automate test execution.

JSF 2.0 Views: Hello Facelets, Goodbye JSP

JavaServer Faces (JSF) is a Java component UI framework for building dynamic pages for a web application. JSF technology provides an API for creating, managing, and handling UI components and a tag library for using components within a web page. The new release of JavaServer Faces, JSF 2.0, is a major release for the specification, and it will be part of the Java Enterprise Edition 6 platform.

This latest release has several interesting features that make the development and deployment of JSF applications simple and easy.

Unlike JSF 1.x versions, which use JavaServer Pages (JSP) for views, JSF 2.0 mandates support for Facelets as the view technology for JSF pages. Like JSP, Facelets are an implementation of View Declaration

Language (VDL), which allows developers to declare UI components in different presentation technologies using HTML templates. However, because the Facelets view technology has been designed specifically to leverage the features of JSF, Facelets provide JSF developers with a simpler, more powerful programming model than JSP. That is why beginning with JSF 2.0 Facelets will replace JSP (JSF 2.0 has retained JSP support only for backward compatibility).

In this article, we explore what makes Facelets superior to JSP for JSF applications, as well as how JSF 2.0 supports them. We use a demo application and provide some code samples to highlight the power of this new technology.

Facelets Features

In Facelets, the pages are compiled to an abstract syntax component tree, which gets built to a UIComponent hierarchy during runtime. The Facelets tags don't need declaration in a tag library descriptor (TLD) file. The attributes in the tag are dynamic; they automatically get mapped to the properties. One of the main Facelets features not available in JSP is page templating. In addition, Facelets are faster in execution than JSPs.

Facelets pages are authored using XHTML, and they provide good expression language (EL) support. Facelets also leverage the concept of XML namespaces to support these tag libraries:
  • JSF HTML Tag Library
  • JSF Core Tag Library
  • JSTL Core Tag Library
  • JSTL Functions Tag Library
  • JSF Facelets Tag Library

Sun releases Java EE 6

Almost 10 years to the day since the 1999 release of Java EE 1.2, Sun announced today that Java EE 6 is ready for business.

In the three years since the last major update to the Java EE platform, a great deal has changed in Java, and EE 6 reflects these changes. Chief among the new features are a slimmed down Web Profile installation of the EE platform, support for RESTful Web services, and the last-minute inclusion of dependency injections.

Sun also released NetBeans 6.8 and GlassFish Enterprise Application Server version 3. Both of these are compatible with EE 6 and include support for new features. GlassFish, for example, is also available in a Web Profile form, and NetBeans 6.8 adds handlers for REST.

The Web Profile form of Java EE 6 is a slimmed-down installation of the Java EE ecosystem. Built in response to developer complaints over the years, Java EE 6 adds the concept of Profiles, which will be targeted installations for specific purposes. Initially, only the Web Profile is available, but Sun has said it is looking into more configurations. The Web Profile version of Java EE 6 installs only the pieces of the language and ecosystem needed to run Web applications, such as JPA and JSF.

GlassFish too can be slimmed down for specific Web purposes. Both the Java EE 6 environment and the GlassFish application server can then be upgraded to the full Java EE 6 stack without the need to change or update applications, said Tom Kincaid, executive director of Sun's Application Platform organization. ”We expect this to be very popular with Web application development and deployment,” he said.

JSR 330 was a latecomer to the Java EE 6 party. This specification for dependency injections in Java originated at Google. JSR 330 came together and was passed through the JCP this fall, a break-neck pace for the JCP to approve a new specification.

From the specification page at the JCP website: JSR 330 created “a set of annotations for use on injectable classes” and “a typesafe, user-friendly injector configuration API that provides an integration point for higher-level dependency injection configuration approaches.”

No fragile fish
GlassFish Enterprise Application Server version 3 is a commercially licensed form of the open-source GlassFish server project. Owning the commercial version will entitle developers to free software updates and bug fixes, said Kincaid.

“GlassFish Enterprise Server v3 goes much further with its modular architecture, management and monitoring capabilities, and update center console,” he said.

GlassFish is now built on an OSGi microkernel, the Apache Felix project, said Kincaid. “Only the necessary modules are loaded at startup. As applications are deployed, only the required modules are loaded,” he said.

NetBeans 6.8, on the other hand, includes new features that aren't just about Java. NetBeans 6.8 is the first version of the IDE to support PHP 5.3, and that language is growing in popularity among NetBeans users, said David Folk, director of developer tools engineering at Sun. He said that the new version includes packaging and deployment tools to make building applications easier.

“We provide support for all the Java EE 6 libraries when you're working with [build management tool] Maven,” said Folk, highlighting NetBeans 6.8's enhanced Ant and Maven integrations.

NetBeans 6.8 is available for free online, while the GlassFish Enterprise Application Server v3 is included with the Java EE 6 release.

Mono makes headway on the Linux desktop

Mono—the open-source runtime for .NET applications—is stealing some of the thunder from Java applications for the Linux desktop. Recent Linux distros have featured new .NET consumer applications that run under Mono. Part of the reason is that the distributions contain up-to-date Mono development tools, while their Java tools are obsolete.

"We have seen a real spike in Mono [application] development for the Linux desktop over the last two to three years," said RedMonk analyst Stephen O'Grady. He cited Mono applications, including the Banshee music player, the GNOME Do desktop search tool, and the Tomboy note-taking application as examples of Mono applications that have no Java counterpart equivalent in popularity.

The Mono project is an open-source implementation of the Common Language Infrastructure (CLI), a technology that was created by Microsoft and subsequently standardized by ECMA and ISO International. Microsoft supports the Mono effort with technological assistance.

When it comes to desktop Linux applications, "Mono is clearly more popular than Java. I've been using desktop Linux as my primary desktop for three to four years, and use just a handful of Java apps day to day," O’Grady said.

If Mono is succeeding, its success appears to be limited to the Linux desktop. "While it's certainly true that Mono has been used to write some nice applications, I have seen very little usage of it among independent developers outside the Linux desktop community. It's also worth noting that many of the high-profile Mono applications are written and maintained by Novell," said Ian Murdock, Debian founder and vice president of emerging platforms at Sun Microsystems.

"That's a pretty classic platform strategy: Try to get your platform broader distribution (in this case, integrated into the GNOME desktop) by creating compelling applications that require it," he added.

There’s no good data on how many consumers or developers have installed Mono. The software project team collects some data about package installations on Debian and Ubuntu, but Mono project leader and Novell vice president Miguel de Icaza believes that the data is skewed because tracking is opt-in only. "We publish the source code, and then people redistribute it in packaged form, and we have no way of tracking its use."

However, it’s clear that Mono is currently doing a better job at attracting Linux desktop application developers than Java.

Out-of-date tools
One big reason may be that Debian and Ubuntu, two popular Linux distributions, include current versions of a Mono development environment, called MonoDevelop. By contrast, they contain an old version of Eclipse, a popular open-source IDE. Both Debian and Ubuntu come bundled with Eclipse 3.1, which was introduced in 2005. The Eclipse tool chain is updated annually, and the latest version of the Java tools, Eclipse 3.5, came out in 2009.

пятница, 26 марта 2010 г.

Unisys Expands Support for Modernised Applications

Unisys Expands Support for Modernised Applications and Mobile Devices on ClearPath Mainframes

New capabilities help clients make it easier for workers to use smartphones and consumer devices to access and manage ClearPath systems

Unisys Corporation (NYSE: UIS) announced significant enhancements to its ClearPath family of mainframe servers. These enhancements are designed to make it easier for clients to modernise their application environments and enable workers to access and manage ClearPath systems more efficiently through smartphones and other end-user devices.

Happy 9th Birthday to Apple’s Mac OS X

CUPERTINO, California—March 21, 2001—Apple today announced that beginning this Saturday, March 24, customers can buy Mac OS X in retail stores around the world. Mac OS X is the world’s most advanced operating system, combining the power and openness of UNIX with the legendary ease of use and broad applications base of Macintosh.

“Mac OS X is the most important software from Apple since the original Macintosh operating system in 1984 that revolutionized the entire industry,” said Steve Jobs, Apple’s CEO. “We can’t wait for Mac users around the globe to experience its stability, power and elegance.”

Over 350 applications for Mac OS X are shipping today, with hundreds more coming by this summer. More than 10,000 developer organizations around the world are working on over 20,000 Mac OS X applications, including 4D, Aladdin Systems, Alias/Wavefront, Avid, Connectix, Dantz, Digidesign, EarthLink, FileMaker, IBM, Macromedia, Microsoft, MYOB, Palm, Sun, Symantec, and Thursby Software Systems.

Apple will also ship Mac OS X versions of its three most popular applications on March 24, available as free downloads at http://www.apple.com: iMovie 2, the world’s most popular and easiest-to-use digital video editing software; iTunes, Apple’s wildly popular “jukebox” software that lets users create and manage their own music library; and a preview version of AppleWorks 6.1, Apple’s award-winning productivity application.

Mac OS X is built upon an incredibly stable, open source, UNIX-based foundation called Darwin and features true memory protection, preemptive multi-tasking and symmetric multiprocessing when running on the dual processor Power Mac G4. Mac OS X includes Apple’s new Quartz 2D graphics engine (based on the Internet-standard Portable Document Format) for stunning graphics and broad font support; OpenGL for spectacular 3D graphics and gaming; and QuickTime for streaming audio and video. Mac OS X also features an entirely new user interface called Aqua. Aqua combines superior ease of use with amazing new functionality such as the Dock, a breakthrough for organizing, documents and document windows.

In addition, Mac OS X includes hundreds of new features, such as:
• Dynamic memory management, eliminating “out of memory” messages or need to adjust the memory for applications
• Advanced power management, so that PowerBook and iBook systems wake from sleep instantly
• QuickTime 5, shipping for the first time as an integrated feature of Mac OS X
• Automatic networking, allowing users to get on the Internet using any available network connection, without adjusting settings
• A single interface to easily manage all network and Internet connections, including direct support for DSL systems that require PPPoE connectivity
• Full PDF support and PDF integration into the operating system, so that Mac OS X applications can generate standard PDF documents to be shared with any platform
• Direct support for TrueType, Type 1 and OpenType fonts, and an intuitive and flexible interface for managing fonts and groups of fonts
• More than $1,000 of the best fonts available today, including Baskerville, Herman Zapf’s Zapfino, Futura, and Optima; as well as the highest-quality Japanese fonts available, in the largest character set ever on a personal computer
• iTools integration into Mac OS X, for direct access to iDisk free Internet storage in the Finder and Open/Save dialog boxes, and free IMAP mail for Mac.com email accounts
• Built in support for popular HP, Canon, and Epson printers
• Easy to administer multi-user environment, with access privileges to keep documents secure
• Powerful web development tools and technologies such as WebDAV, XML, Apache and QuickTime
• BSD UNIX services including popular shells, Perl and FTP
• Support for symmetric multi-processing, so that on dual-processor Power Mac G4 systems, both processors are used automatically to deliver up to twice the productivity
• File system and network security including support for Kerberos
• Support for Java 2 Standard Edition built directly into Mac OS X, giving customers access to cross platform applications

Apple’s successful Mac OS X Public Beta, which shipped in September 2000, was instrumental in several key enhancements to the operating system. Apple shipped more than 100,000 copies of Mac OS X Public Beta and received more than 75,000 individual user feedback entries from Mac users and developers worldwide.

To help customers migrate to Mac OS X, Apple iServices will offer several new services, including a comprehensive set of Mac OS X training and certification offerings for Mac OS X system administrators.

Pricing & Availability
Mac OS X will ship with 7 languages—English, Japanese, French, German, Spanish, Italian and Dutch— included on a single CD. In addition, the Mac OS X box will include a full copy of Mac OS 9.1, for running Classic applications, and the Mac OS X Developer Tools CD.

Mac OS X will be available through The Apple Store and through Apple Authorized Resellers for a suggested retail price of $129 (US) beginning March 24, 2001.

Mac OS X requires a minimum of 128MB of memory and is designed to run on the following Apple products: iMac, iBook, Power Macintosh G3, Power Mac G4, Power Mac G4 Cube and any PowerBook introduced after May 1998.

Source: Apple

Syncro Soft Announces New Editions of XML Editor and Author

Syncro Soft Ltd, the developer of Oxygen XML Editor and Author, has announced the immediate availability of version 11.2 of its XML Editor and XML Author tools.

The Oxygen XML tools combine content author features like the CSS driven Visual XML editor with a fully featured XML development environment, and includes ready-to-use support for the main document frameworks DITA, DocBook, TEI, and XHTML, as well as support for all XML Schema languages, XSLT/XQuery debuggers, WSDL analyzer, XML Databases, XML Diff and Merge, Subversion client and more.

Version 11.2 of the Oxygen XML tools includes improvements to the XML authoring and development tools, improved support for large files, an SVN client, and the addition of visual XML editing as a separate component that can be integrated into Java and web applications. Also included is a new spell-checking engine.
The Oxygen XML tools are available through a variety of licensing methods and editions.

Apache Tomcat mod_jk information disclosure vulnerability

Versions Affected:
mod_jk 1.2.0 to 1.2.26
Situations where faulty clients set Content-Length without providing
data, or where a user submits repeated requests very quickly may permit
one user to view the response associated with a different user's request.
Upgrade to mod_jk 1.2.27 or later

Developing business processes in an agile way

Pegasystems believes that developers will have a better chance of meeting business requirements and delivering solutions on time with a new edition of its SmartBPM suite that focuses on the agile development of complex business processes.

Pegasystems SmartBPM6, released March 22, collects end-user feedback and pulls it into the development workflow. The system validates change requests against existing requests to avoid redundancy, said Russell Keziere, senior director of BPM marketing at Pegasystems.

Another feature, called business architect portal, provides RSS event-feed aggregation and wikis so that analysts, businesspeople and developers can collaborate on project design. Chats, e-mails and other business events are included.

Further, it enables multiple stakeholders to collaborate on mapping out processes during design, iterative changes, and ad hoc process creation. Processes are created as XML-based models that will execute at runtime as Java EE code, Keziere said. "A business person gets a look at screens and runs parts of a process in real time," he explained.

The net effect is that SmartBPM 6 allows users to directly capture their objectives and execute changes in a unified environment "without costly handoffs between disjointed stacks of products," according to the company.

“We...have defined the sweet spot for a BPMS to be where it drives business performance improvement by managing a high velocity of change, including the ability to respond to real-time events, while putting accountability and control in the hands of the business stakeholders,” said Janelle Hill, research vice president at Gartner.

SmartBPM 6 also introduces new process optimization tools and a remediation tool to fix unhealthy processes. An analytics engine evaluates a running process to determine whether it is working or not, Keziere said. "The system is training itself."

An analytics engine suggests business rule optimizations, which are automatically generated for reviewing and testing should a developer accept its recommendations. Additional changes include a new interface for supporting unstructured processes, and the inclusion of industry-specific process frameworks. The user interface was also made more responsive.

Under the hood, the suite was reengineered to be more modular. Pegasystems used the same agile project management framework that its customers use to build applications, Keziere said.

Java ME, JavaFX Mobile and Java Card Application Technology Trail

What is a Mobile Application?

Most mobile applications use the Java Micro Edition (Java ME) platform, which was developed for small devices like mobile phones, but is now used on a wide variety of devices. Java ME uses scaled down subsets of Java SE components, virtual machines and APIs. It also defines APIs that are specifically targeted at consumer mobile and embedded devices. NetBeans with Java ME supports two base configurations of the Java ME platform and two additional mobile and embedded platforms:

  • Connected Limited Device Configuration (CLDC) is for devices with less memory and processing power than CDC-based devices. The Mobile Information Device Profile (MIDP) is based on CLDC and billions MIDP devices are in use worldwide.
  • Connected Device Configuration (CDC) is for devices with much greater memory, processing power and network connectivity such as smart phones, set-top boxes, and embedded servers and devices.
  • JavaFX Mobile provides similar user experiences across mobile, desktop, web and television screens.
  • Java Card platform is now supported in NetBeans and enables application development for smart cards and other microdevices.